Friday, August 7, 2009

David Turns 18!!!

Boy has time flown since this guy was born. I have loved every minute of being with this young man!! I am so grateful that he was able to travel with us to China to get his new little sister.
I am posting in his honor "18 Reasons Why I Love David!!"

1. He is kind.
2. He is respectful
3. He tries hard at anything he does
4. He has a great sense of humor
5. Young children love him
6. He has a great smile
7. He is sensitive
8. He loves animals
9. He is a leader, not a follower
10. He sticks up for his stepfather whenever we have an argument!
11. He worries about his 92 year old grandmother
12. He was a great sport in China when he was sick in bed for 3 days
13. He didn't complain even though he ws very nervous about flying!
14. He still likes me to say goodnight to him
15. He is a volunteer fireman and takes it very seriously
16. His brothers and their girlfriends think he is awesome
17. He still loves to go on vacation with us ( and we love having him!! )
18. He jumped right in and his held his new scared little sister and was the only one who could get her to stop crying!
Happy birthday David!! We love you and it was sooo easy to come up with 18 reasons!!!


  1. Your are the best!!! Happy 18th Birthday David....we are so fortunate to have shared in all of the wonderful traits that you have!

  2. Happy Birthday, David. Anytime we talk about our China trip and the other families with us, we always mention you and how awesome you were with Sierra!

    Kathie, you brought up a fantastic young man...I know you are very proud of him.

    Donna :)
