Sunday, January 30, 2011

Change of plans

Tomorrow I was supposed to start back to work after my two year leave.  I haven't written about it becasue frankly I don't even like thinking about it.  But I won't be going back until Tuesday.  Last Wed a friend (and Life Partner of my son's godmothe) died suddenly from bacterial menengitis.  He had just turned 50 and was sick less than 24 hours.  Tomorrow is his Celebartion of Life.  Please remember our friend Tammy in your prayers.  She and Jeff have been together 27 years and have lived life in a way we all should.  But she is sad about facing  life without her partner in it.  They have no childdren altough she has been surrounded by a sea of friends.


  1. I will keep her in my prayers. So sad to hear about someone so young losing their life!

  2. will certainly keep your friend in our prayers.

  3. We will be praying today friend. It is times like these when there is so much we don't understand that I am thankful for our Heavenly Father and the comfort that only he can offer...

  4. I will be praying for your friend, Tammy. How sad to lose her best friend and brother. I will also be praying for your peace about going back to work.
