Wednesday, February 2, 2011

My Leave is Up!!

I know I have been blessed.  I know that not everyone can take a 2 year leave and have their job back.  I know that in September Sierra will start kindergarten, hopefully in the same school that I work.  I know that Scott has so lovingly taken on his shoulders the finacial burden of the last 2 years.  I know Sierra will be fine at her preschool, after all my middle son Paul started kindergarten when he was not yet 5.  I know it all ......but oh I hate to have to go back to work tomorrow as a teaching assistant and spend a good chunk of the day away from her..  My heart truly aches.  I was supposed to go  back Monday but I had to attend Jeff's Celebration of Life.  And then Tues. and today were snow tomorrow it is.  I look forward to seeing some of my colleagues and most of the kids.  Its hard to believe that the kids that were in kindergarten when I left , are now in second grade!!  And I don't know hardly any of the kindergarteners and first graders.  So it will be fun getting to know them...and the class that I will be working in.  So keep me in your thoughts tomorrow!! I will need the support!


  1. Bless your heart. I will pray that you have the most wonderful day and Sierra will have a blast at preschool. I'm sure you will be greeted with a big,big hug when you pick her up. :)

  2. Can only imagine how hard that's got t obe for you .. will keep you in our prayers!

  3. I can just feel your heartache. I hope you first week was not as bad as you had felt and I pray you will find a comfortable schedule that still feels like plenty of time with Sierra. Keep us posted!
