Wednesday, July 22, 2009

A very special birthday!

6 months ago on January 23rd, 2009 a little girl woke up in a hotel far, far , away ..She had no idea what was in store for her on that day.. The first thing that was said to her was "Happy Birthday", The second thing said was " we are going home." Home to her for so long had been an orphanage in China. But she was not going back there. Now she had a new Mommy and a new Daddy and a new brother and they were taking her home. So they all boarded a plane, flew to Beijing and then got on another plane for a long. long, (did I say very long) flight. Shortly before they landed her Mommy told her all about her new house, her pet dog, her 3 brothers, cousins, aunts uncles, a grandpa and her very own room.. Then, as they were getting close to land, her Mommy, with tears in her eyes, pointed out a special statue sitting in a river. It was a statue of a woman, with a crown, who was holding a torch up in the air. Her Mommy told her that this statue meant that she was being welcomed to this country, the place that was to be her new home. The plane landed and they all got off. The little girl became ,at that moment, a citizen of her new country, the United States of America. Her Aunt and Uncle and, surprise, her new brother were there to greet her and take her to her new house. When she arrived at the house there was another brother, and a grandpa and cousins and friends all there to greet her and welcome her. They sang Happy Birthday and gave her presents. They put candles on a cake and let her blow them out. And the little girl smiled and played with the balloons. And soon it was time to go to bed. so the Mommy took the little girl upstairs and tucked her into her new crib, She told the little girl she loved her and would forever. The little girl soon fell asleep. The Mommy then went to her own room and cried and thanked God for the wonderful blessing that he had bestowed on them!

And now 6 months later the little girl, named Sierra, is happy and healthy and a treasure to all who meet her. And her Mommy still cries, tears of joy, and thanks God every day!!!

This was a picture we received shortly before we traveled........

6 short wonderful months later.......The pictures say it all!!!!!


  1. What a great post! It's just so amazing how much they change... a picture of the power of love!!

  2. I have tears in my eyes reading this Kathie! I can't believe we have been home with our girls for six months already! And MY how they have changed! Glad everything is going well!! - Charissa

  3. Great post, and yes - the pictures do indeed say it all! Congratulations on your beautiful & sweet baby girl!
